Unexploited material, demo versions, covers....

5eme Saison with Evolutive - bass & guitar

Des millions de Forets - Le Concours
Music & lyrics : Philippe Prohom
Arrangements : LaForest

Bleach on a black Face
Des Fleurs sur la Lune

live unplugged - Toubab Dialaw, Senegal

Le temps me presse
(initiating theTSB project, 2005)

Plain with Jean-Yves Gratius - cello
(demo track for Fagaala)

O Bizarres Libertés

Limpide - Centaurus remix
Remix of the track on the album "I"

...and more.

laforet "I" thumb
The Second Birth_thumb
The Second Birth
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Bonus Tracks


LaForest on Telerama


©Fabrice Bouillon-LaForest 2010